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Student Name *
1. What does it mean to be KEENLY street aware, and KEENLY internet aware?
2. What is the importance of “Hitting the Light Switch” when confronted by a bully?
3. Name the three (3) most important things to do that are extremely necessary whenever a bully gets in your face. Explain why each one is important.
4. How does social skills development impact whether or not someone becomes a bully?
5. What are the four (4) emotions most kids immediately have when they are confronted by a bully?
6. What does mental toughness have to do with bullying?
secret or
7. What weakness do all bullies have?
8. How do self-confidence and being bullied relate to each other?
9. How can a kid’s “mental toughness” defeat a bully?
10. What is the importance of parents and teachers being involved in student internet activity?
11. What is the most important thing to communicate to an internet bully?
12. What is the significance (importance) of “body language” as it applies to bullying?
13. Why should you not share what you learn in BBGP training, other than with your parents, teacher, or kids who have also had BBGP training?
14. List three (3) examples of being “street smart”.
15. What secret do most bullies keep that they don’t want others to know?
16. When bullying occurs, there is usually NO ADULT AROUND. Therefore, it is important that kids become Self-
17. Define the importance of “My Difference is My Strength” as it applies to being bullied.
18. What does it mean to “Do the Unexpected” when confronted by a bully?