Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.A. How did you feel looking your partner straight in the eyes as they were looking at you the same way? Write how you really felt!B. What did you learn from the “eye to eye” practice with your partner, and do you think “eye to eye” contact with a bully is important or not? Explain!Your teacher will explain the importance of “eye to eye” contact with a bully.Some reasons for eye-to-eye contact with a bully: Looking someone straight in the eyes for even a few seconds is not easy, but shows Confidence, especially in a stressful situation with a bully. Bullies are not as likely to hassle someone who demonstrates Confidence in this manner. Remember: One of the bully’s main objectives is to strip their victims of any Confidence they may have. It’s Never To Late To Change: . What is the theme/main idea of the illustration and what could be the hidden message/(s) as it applies to bullying? you B. same Student Name *Date:Submit Module Pages: (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31) (32) (33) Page 27