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What, in your opinion, is the meaning of being Street Smart?

Your teacher will define the meaning of being Street Smart. Be sure to include a blank line after that statement before the paragraph that follows. After having heard your teacher’s definition of Street Smart, do you need to make changes to what you wrote above? If so, please do so on the following lines.

You and your classmates will be directed to spend time role-playing applicable street scenarios. But first, you will review:

  • Walking on the safe side of the street
  • Blind spots
  • Where to walk on the sidewalk
  • Creating your “Imaginary Friend or Relative”
  • What to yell when you need to get the attention of others

If you were being approached on the street by someone making you feel uncomfortable, explain what you would do to create an instant “imaginary friend or relative?”

What is the theme/main idea of the illustration and what may be hidden message(s) as it applies to bullying?

Page 106

Module Pages: (106) (107) (108) (109) (110) (111)